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Linseeds are very rich in oil and protein. Besides, linseeds are a great source of lignans, i.e. substances with a powerful antioxidant, antiallergenic, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial and antimicrobic effect. Linseed oil and linseeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the amount twice as big as in fish oil, which are known to be a pure natural youth potion.

Linseeds are widely used in baking and confectionary industries, as well as for oil extraction.

Linseed oil in its turn is in great demand for food, polygraphic, leather and foot-wear, medical, textile, perfume and other branches of industry. Edible linseed oil has outstanding nutritional, medical and preventive characteristics, while technical linseed oil is a raw material for producing various coatings, synthetic fibers, insulating foams, plasticizers, lubricants and other polymers.

The quality of linseeds is regulated by GOST 10582 – 76.

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