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Mustard seeds

Mustard is a very ancient oil-bearing and nectariferous plant, which has always been famous for its wonderful health benefits. In different countries it is used to relive pain, cure arterial sclerosis and hypertension, liver and gall bladder diseases, digestion disorders and flatulence, rheumatism and eczema. 


Many varieties of mustard are grown on the territory of Russia, for example, white mustard, charlock, saperda mustard, laulau, etc. Laulau is used to make mustard flour and oil, while white mustard is used as a fodder crop and for oil extraction.

One more great advantage of white mustard is its role in crop rotation. Its long rachislike roots penetrate 2-3 meters deep into soil and help the plant get a lot of chemical substances and microelements from the deep layers of soil, which are unobtainable for other plants, but will become available for the followers after sideration.

Our company supplies mustard seeds in compliance with GOST  9159-71.


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